Shut the Front Door!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

So, Christmas is over.  And I have actually gotten all of the Christmas decorations packed away.  (Except for the Christmas dishes still stacked on the bar and the two live Christmas trees still in their stands on my back deck).  One problem though, my front door is bare. Naked.  I am one of those that believes your home is not fully dressed without something on the front door.  It should be a rule that doors are never naked. But mine is naked. Bare. Everything is showing. So I am searching for something crafty, creative and easy to dress her up a bit.

Here was my little front door all dressed up for the holidays.

The door decorations were basically done with 
Dollar Store ornaments & garland! 

In searching for a new wreath idea, I came across these great ideas! What does your door look like post holiday?

Check out the DIY Instructions for this moss wreath from the 
Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss Blog!So classic and so easy with supplies from the local hardware store!

Sweet Wreath Ideas for lots of season from the

This Snowball Wreath is so cute for the entire winter! Check out the easy DIY instructions to make your own at 

Now let's go out there and dress our doors! 
Just Say No to Naked Doors!

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