Love One Another { and a free printable too!}

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Valentine's Day is getting close.  Yes, I know it's January.  But how I know is that all of our local discount stores (You know the ones) have fully stocked Valentine's Day aisles.  When we are little (or have little ones) Valentine's Day is about little boxes of Valentine's Day card sets saying Be Mine.  The excitement of making your own little VDay  mailbox in elementary school and then sharing your cards with your friends then counting your own.  Nothing was worse than not getting a card from someone you really liked. :(

Then in our teenage years it was about boyfriends and girlfriends and whether you had one or not.  If you didn't then you just wanted Valentine's Day to silently and quickly go away.

In the married years, it starts out sweet and romantic and then in many cases it fades to maybe exchanging cards.  If you weren't married,  then just wanted it to silently and quickly go away.

But really Valentine's Day is for least if we think about in terms of Christ's love and his command to Love One Another.  Couldn't we take Valentine's Day, whether young or old, married, single, divorced, widowed, dating...and make it a celebration of LOVE? God's love for us and our love in turn for others.  A great day to do something special to show anyone that they are loved.  

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34.

How fun to take Valentine's Day and make it a day to surprise people in our lives with special gifts and cards to show them they are loved!

Here is a great {free} printable from Becky Higgins for Valentine's Day.  It would be cute in a VDay display in your home ...yes I think I shall do this...but how sweet would it be to frame and give to friends?

You can download the free printable from Becky's blog! Thanks Becky for such an awesome reminder of what LOVE and Valentine's Day should really be about!

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