The Big Picture

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Isn't that the truth?  Whether it is focusing on my appearance, weight, worrying about my children, how I manage my household, the house I "wish" I had, the Christian I ought to be....I can get so distracted and broken down by what I perceive as being wrong that I forget to keep my eyes on what is right.  God loves me...even with everything that is wrong with me.  He has blessed me time and time again.  I have witnessed miracles in my own life.  I have a family that I love, a job that helps to support our family and that I find fulfillment in.  I have friends that I know are there for me whenever I need them. 

Help me Lord to not lose sight of  all that is right in my life by being pulled down with the whispers of all that I perceive is wrong.

(BTW...I love the writings and devotionals of @Lysa Terkeurst.  You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Her new book "The Best Yes" is on stands now.

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