Beginning with Blessings

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I am so thankful for the many blessings that God has given me...blessings I do not deserve.  I want to always remember, even in our crazy, busy chaotic lives to always be grateful.  God has walked with us through my husband Jack's diagnosis of leukemia when we were 30 years old with two small children.  He has seen us through a difficult birth of our first daughter, and many times of uncertainty in our lives.  But He has also seen us through the joys of watching our children grow into beautiful young women, of blessing us with our home, our jobs, our families...

I saw this Blessing Board at Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss and it struck a chord! What a great idea to put your blessings in front of you daily to remind you what you are grateful for! I HAVE to make one of these! Check out the Less than Perfect Life of Bliss link above to get step by step instructions on how to make your own! This will be my first gratitude project of the year! Thank you "Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss" for the inspiration!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Good for you, Grateful Girl :) Thanks for using my board as inspiration. God bless you with your new blog!