2011...a year of gratitude

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's a new year and this is my first post of my first blog! I am so excited that you have stopped by to take a peek at this little ol' blog.  In my neck of the woods, blogs are kinda a new thing!  I am not sure if I will ever have followers without actually showing folks how to "follow me"! lol! But that's okay...I had to figure that out myself too! So if you are stopping by and you are a blogging pro...and you feel a kinship...I hope you'll follow my blog. I'd love to learn from you and share with you too!

I have been so inspired by the blogs that I have been following.  I have found women of such creativity, strength, grace and beauty.  You are stay-at-home moms, working moms, retired moms, grandmas...but somehow I have found at least one way that I connect with you by reading your blogs. I hope you will find something here to connect with too.  I do believe it is a way of encouraging, sharing, inspiring and growing with one another. I have to admit I am kind of excited! 

So here I go! If never get one follower I believe it is going to be a journaling experience for me! A place to chronicle our lives.  I hope I can look back in a year and find that I succeeded in being a grateful girl.

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